Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 203/365 (March 9, 2009)

i slept in so late! i woke up at 12:40 which in theory is bad since at one point last week i had been doing really great, but the weekend and lack of sleep finally caught up, and i will get back on track... i will! I spent the day at home feeling not so good because sometimes being a girl just plain old sucks!

the day was spent doing this:
job hunting
tv watching
paying bills
balancing checkbook/calling bank of america
figuring out basic schedule for the week
putting away my now wrinkled laundry
dance class research (that is a picture of one of the schedules)
dishes, lots of dishes
quality kitty time

p.s. Sasha named her new puppy Pippin, and Pip for short... can't wait to call him his name to his face

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