Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 10/365 (July 27, 2014)

It was an early start getting ready for Samantha's Baby Shower. It was a lovely brunch and so nice to share it with her. At the shower they had something I had never seen before which was diapers and sharpies so you could write a message t make Sam and/or Mike smile at as they are changing diapers at all hours of the day.

Once the shower was over I headed back on my long road trip back. There was so much traffic so it took a couple hours longer than it should have. I like driving and rocking out to my music so it wasn't so bad.

Then after I got home and unpacked I got ready to head out t celebrate Ryan and Richard's wedding. IT was a lovely evening and they also did something I had never seen before. Instead of having a traditional guest book they had everyone leave their thumbprint as leaves on a tree. I thought it was a really sweet idea, or a good way to frame someone for a crime!

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