Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 245/365 (March 19, 2015)

When I left work I decided to take a long walk before going home so I walked up towards Central Park. As I was walking along on this cold and windy day I kept passing all the poor horses that are forced to do carriage rides.They were lined up with their people trying to get riders. As I passed them I felt so sad for them because they all had their heads down and had such sad looks in their eyes like all they wanted to do was to be out of the wind. I texted this to my roomies and Karen was apparently in a cranky mood and giving me a hard time for caring about animal rights. Then I ended up going into Williams-Sanoma since it is in Columbus Circle and bought a Tart Pan. I Came home and Charlie toppled me and Fred came over to say Hi.

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