Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day 328/365 (June 10, 2015)

Went to work, then came home and I embarked on a baking and arts and crafts palooza!

First I made browned butter rice krispy treats, then I made nutella chocolate chip cookies. After which I made a card for Briana, things to go on the side of the evil cookie place box so its name was blocked, and then I started Lola's card. I was so proud of myself because i freaking drew Pinkie Pie! Sadly i messed up my vision a bit but accidentally highlighting part of it with  sharpie when i didn't mean to, so now i want to see if i can fix it with white out or if I should just let it go.

I also found Charlie sleeping in the drier which is so dangerous but it was pretty cute. After the photo op I kicked him out with difficulty and shut it.

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