Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 305/365 (June 19, 2009)

i woke up in new rochelle and thankfully it was not raining! i spent some time with the cousins before heading out, and then rode the train home... i decided to take a cab with all my stuff... great decision in theory but he didnt stop where i told him to so i ended up having to walk quite a distance with my stuff anyways!

i got in and somehow got that almost 90 pound suitcase full of laundry up the stairs... i estimate it to weigh that much since that is what it weighed when i came back from SF and it was filled to the seems! then i said hello to emma (who has been all over me anytime i sit still... she missed me! even now as i type this she was just curled up on me, then moved to the side of my hand) then i said hello to tucker by taking him out for a walk,,, he was so excited to see me and perked up and when i took him out of his crate he was trying to wag his short stub of a tail and licking my face all over! i took him for a walk then eventually he ended back up in his crate because he wouldnt stop biting me.

anywho while outside i noticed the time (12:45) and was like oh i should enter the virtual line lotto for twelfth night (shakespeare) tonight, which meant i had to do it by 1... well by the time o got inside and turned my computer on i signed up for it around the 12:50 ish mark and waited, then i checked like 5 after and 1 and it said i had won them! so i called sasha up and of course she wanted to go!

i then spent the time watching tv (um luther was in an episode of the unusuals), eating lunch, and making myself presentable, also saw krysta for the first time since last thursday, and went on my way.

 i was quite proud of myself for getting to the theater in the park on my own... like i didnt get lost either! fin-a-freakingly! after sasha made her way to the theater (some troubles) we got the most unusual pickles and pickled green beans that were yummy.

the show was actually pretty good for the most part, despite my uninterest of shakespeare. act two was certainly funnier than act one (well parts i should say) i thought everyone was great in the show (except julie white... i felt like she was acting and not actually her character). and some were superb. Anne Hathaway was absolute brilliance (and my reason for seeing the show). she carried it so well and the few times she got to sing can we focus on her gorgeous voice? The guy who played Sir Andrew (Hamish something) was the next best thing... he was so perfect as that character and at one point he (and anne) had me in tears from laughter. i had also never seen raul or audra in anything before but they did not disappoint... really casting was on point! and audra especially she really embodied olivia. sasha gave me cliff notes as the show went on to help me out. and the guy playing sebastian looked like anne from where we were sitting.

anywho after it was over we went to do the stage door thing, and to my complete happy surprise i found hope! so we all stood and chatted and totally fan girled when anne came out. i know i might seem " a fan girl" many a time but in all actual fan girlness there havent been that many OHMYGOD moments... Anne walking out was one of them (maybe 4 total fan girl moments). i was like OMG its anne hathaway and to make her even more rockstar she took the time to chat with everyone and take pictures AND sign autographs... when she was with us we were like you broadway musical, now! and she was like um ok write me one and i will do it! (if only!) yea i was so flustered that when i wnet to hand her my playbill to sign i handed her the camera because my brain just couldnt process life correctly at that moment... and she was all i cant take the picture of us (not in a diva way, but in a it wont work way)... anywho AMAZING!

we also spoke with audra, and had to move ourselves down the line again so we could get hamlish.... SO AWESOME! i was like i love him the whole show. then we asked about raul and was told he sneaks out pretty quickly after and we headed home... after an obnoxious train wait i came home and ate chips and fluff for dinner, yum, but not good at 1 in the morning!

anywho i am so happy i saw it and i need to see it at least one more time.... ANNE HATHAWAY!!!!

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