Thursday, October 30, 2014

Day 101/365 (October 26, 2014)

I was only away one night but both Fred and Charlie behaved like I had been gone ages and I was flanked! In the picture of them kissing, I am underneath him, you can barely see me.

After I woke up I unpacked and got ready for training, and then rushed home for quick lunch and shower before meeting Paula. We went to see Pippin, It was nice to sit in the back of the orchestra and see the whole show and not have to strain my neck! She really enjoyed it and then after she wanted to get a snack so I took her to Schmacakrys... I know i know but it was the experience and fit what she was looking for. I didn't mean to eat a cookie but I did! then we wandered to my street and ran into the stupid street fair which excited her and we found a dress for Winnie through long distance shopping... then came back to the apartment for a while to chat more. She felt pretty hip. I enjoy the rare times she comes into the city and it is just us.

Then Sasha and I went out for a drink to chat Scandal and just have fun out, that was ncie and it had been a while since we did that. Then we came home to watch Scandal but it didn't end up recording,,, fail! I went out to see Darren Bluestone perform his music at NWS. It was interesting to say the least.

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