I got there and chatted with Jo Ann and Mike and some other girl for a bit, then found Chris and his friends in line. eventually they let us in and we got great seats in the front on the side. They sang three songs and made me kinda want to see it on the sooner side, but since i am almost pretty sure i am going to be all about n2n soon i might hold off. i took a bazillion pictures, especially of Aaron since he sang in all 3 songs and well i had sasha's awesome camera so i was using this as a play around with the features opportunity.... yea i think i took almost 120 over the course of those 3 songs, oops!
then i left since i wasnt getting a cd signed and did some more walking and a little grocery shopping, then i came back into the aprtment and put it all away. tonight was a roommates night in and krysta made a yummy dinner for us and we chatted and watched some tv, much needed! eventually i worked on updating this, and major facebook picture uploadage, and then we also had some vanilla ice cream with samoas in it for dessert.
One of the shows i ended up watching is The Phone, now i think it is interesting, not only does it have "suspense" in it but my favorite part is the end of the show when it is a test to human character. After the teams finishes the task they are told only one of them can get the money based on a quiz. After the person who won the quiz gets the money they have to not only decide if they will keep the money or split it, but they have to tell their teammate too. of the 3 episodes i have seen two people have split it, and 1 has not. I mean you just went through a day of all hek and you did each challenge with a teammate and probably wouldnt have been successful without their help so it is pretty selfish to not share it. i think the show would have been better if the person who won the money decided not to split it they would lose it and all the money would go to the other teammate. but yea so that is my thought.
i also did a bunch of dishes, and did some cleaning in the kitchen/livingroom... and on my way back home i found a box of newborn kittens... 5 of them and they looked like they were only a few hours old, and probably had been born within the last 12 hours of my finding them. their faces were so tiny and they were huddled together, mom wasnt too far away, but mom was a street cat so i suspect the kittens probably wont survive (or maybe already gone) but i have no way of knowing what happened to them since i dont talk to the barber shop guys who kind of look after the neighbor hood strays, and since i dont want to know anything bad, i will choose to live in ignorat bliss and believe they are on the way to becoming healthy kittens that want to play and will be adopted by people.
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