Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 113/365 (November 7, 2014)

This day was fun and trying at the same time. Met up with Becky over at Michael's and then her, Colson, Karen, Angie, and myself went to the florist to order the flowers for Nana from everyone. I think i mentioned before Colson is the most energetic 2 year old I have met. I wanted to participate in the flowers but he was being what a 2 year old should be so Karen and I ended up trying to distract him. Then all of us (except Angie) went to BJs to pick up the paper products we need for the reception after the funeral and see what their pricing was for food. Then we met up with Samantha and Xavier for lunch. It was nice to have us all there, and there was some Burlington Coat Factory poking as well. It was a full day of Colson wrangling which was fun but tiring. Eventually we ended back over at Michael's that night and I decided I needed to take charge of the food situation so that it would get done.

We also went to Maureen's and I got my hair trrimeed.

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