Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 238/365 (April 13, 2009)

It was another crazy day. I of course couldn't fall asleep and by the time i did i barely got like 90 minutes of sleep before i had to get up and head out to my aunt's house to come back to NY. i got there at 4:30 am and then after a little wait we got in the truck and set out. i wasnt able to get much sleep during that ride since i have a wicked hard time falling back asleep when i have already "waken up" for the day. Eventually i got back to NY and made the journey on the subway home with my massive bags.

i wanted to sleep but this didnt happen! i knew i wanted to meet tucker the puppy but i also knew i had to give the kitties my undivided attention for a while before i did this so they didnt think i cared more about him, then them. They have become even closer since tucker came in and SO cute! after a while i went and met him, and he is so adorable and i spent alot of time cleaning up after his puppy accidents, krysta's floor has never been cleaner!

Eventually i was able to get a little nap in which helped because i had a show to go to. TONY magazine was giving away free tickets to Rock of Ages which i had avoided seeing for quite sometime since i thought it was going to be stupid and well there was another major reason that kept me away but you dont pass up free theater! i met with Mary and we went to Cosi and got some yummy dinner and then went on a failed ticket box office mission at 9 to 5 and hair. 9 to 5's box office made me more upset than the helen hayes box office and that is saying something! then the hair one was a major butt munch towards mary so we got her ticket anyway while standing outside so they can suck it! i am sorry but why do box office people have to be so crabby sometimes?

then we went to wait to be let in to RoA, some former NWS employees work there now and i was like oh that is why i dont see them anymore! i dont like admitting i am wrong but i do when it is true... i really thought i was going to HATE rock of ages with an absolute passion but i couldnt have been more wrong. the show was so great and fun and i just loved it! i mean i want to go back like now! the cast was really quite talented, yes ALL of them, and yea. i really thought there wasnt a show i was super excited about out right now (yes people i really am on a break from ABz i just dont want to end up hating it, so i truly am on a hiatus) but now there is! i wanna go back! and the people that came out the SD were really nice... and even my stalker!

my two favorites (i dont know names yet sorry) were the people who played Franz (hit me with your best shot) and the narrator. but drew was right up there with him... okay i know his name but i know people have google alerts for people and well i am being deceptive. The picture up above is "drew" and we are doing something from the show "detroit, michigan" and it made me LOL when i saw it (ok many things did during the show) and i wanted it for a picture... and when i asked for it my friends were all like i bet you dont even know what that means, and before i could be like so what, he was all of course she does... thanks for having my back! (ps i now know what it means)... and it was a nice surprise to run into some other friends that i didnt know were going to be there.

Finally it was late so home we all went, and andrew and i rode the subway until he got to his stop... and i got home and yea i don't know what my problem is but i just cant sleep at night lately and it bothers me that i am having such a difficult time! i also have crazy back pain because the bed i sleep on in MA is just horrible! i mean it shouldnt be because it has soft stuff and pillows but it has just always killed me.

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