Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Day 64/365 (October 21, 2008)

There are a very limited number of things, people, or activities that can make me truly happy… as in not “temporary happiness” but actual lasting happiness for a period of time even under extreme unhappy situations. The list total might be 5 or even less.

I can say for certain that The Spring Standards are on that list. This is the reason I do things like take vacation days to go see them wherever I can or take a NJ Transit train for an hour and go to Grand Central to take a train that is almost 90 minutes to see them in Bridgeport, CT on a work night…. Then rush out and catch an 11:59 train and come home and barely get 4 hours of sleep. (Rock on Two Boots). I am so tired at work right now but really thinking about the show last night and the time with Megan just keeps a smile on my face!

I have always found music to be stress-relieving and enjoyable. It is something I could not live without. I am so happy I stumbled upon this band because their music is at the top of my list. Seeing them perform live is also an experience that can’t be duplicated, and I am so glad it has led me to some great people… including my partner in crime for this trip Megan.

They are also some of the nicest people ever and I am so happy for all the success that has come their way! So thanks S.S. Funship for making me happy! Keep on rockin’ on!

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