Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 90/365 (November 16, 2008)

This is a picture i took of the stage... it would have been better but i couldn't very well ask the two in front of me to please sit so i could take a better picture of the stage now could i? I placed the image of the poster on the picture for a better identifier.

Let me just tell you how much i loved this PLAY! I waited at the Atlantic (and surrounding area) for forever! At five minutes before "curtain" I was able to get a rush seat... 4th row, not to far away from the center. It was seriously the perfect seat... i walked in and my first thought was i love the set design! I don't like plays very much, and i certainly am not into politics! i mean in college i could have gotten a political science minor with all the law classes i took, but since i refused to take any political core requirements that was not a possibility.

My basic expectation for this play was that i would be bored out of my mind, but at least i would get to see Gallagher in a new role. I thought Port Authority was well done, but i also know i could not have seen it more than once, let alone the 4 times i did, if he were not in the cast.

I have never enjoyed a play like this before. It ended with my feeling excited, something i never thought possible for a play. Each actor did a superb job, and the way the set worked was really all kinds of awesome, and i loved the "edgy" scene transitions. I wanted to see it again that night (but i already had plans) and i fully plan on seeing it again, this time with Sasha in tow.

I love "evil" characters and manipulation and that was so this show. There were two characters that executed this brilliantly. One was out in the open, and the other completely underhanded. You didn't realize how truly manipulating the character of Tom was until he revealed himself... and then there was Stephen who went completely crazy when his whole world unraveled and he took everyone down with him that he could. Yes this was a great show!

there were only two things i would change:

1. Gallagher's character name... the name itself was fine, but the nickname they kept using well i just don't like it, and it bothered me to hear

2. At first i thought that Chris Noth's character was the presidential hopeful, which i just didn't buy. A little later i realized that he was just another higher up person on the campaign team, and then everything he did/said made perfect sense.

As a random note: i don't have a picture with Gallagher because i still don't feel the need to. How can one want another picture when you already have the perfect picture from 10 months ago?


Unknown said...

posted this comment on lj by accident:

11 months ago.

Tamra said...

no b/c mermaid was 1/10/08 and that was 11/16/08, even if it should have been 12/06/07... but if it had been i would not have gotten that photo! i want to go to Shrek's opening night... i wonder who i would have to bribe?