Friday, December 5, 2008

Day 103/365 (November 29, 2008)

Megan, Emily, and I had been missing The Spring Standards and they were playing in Washington DC… Sasha very nicely lent us Squirt her little bug to go there. The actual show was great, and a good part of the trip was fun… especially rocking out to some new and older tunes… the killer traffic and terrible lostness in DC however was a nightmare… but I love squirt and them!

As a fun aside at one point we drove past Farragut St (or Ave or whatever it was) and it made me smile.


emily said...

Boo Farrugut. and Boo DC traffic and non-circular circle roads. Team Heather!

Alicia said...

The traffic in DC and on the way home from DC blows! But sounds like you had a good time anywho.

Tamra said...

totes, LOL!