Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 149/365 (January 14, 2009)

So i was at work until 11 in the morning and had already planned on trying Wicked lotto with Sasha for the night show, but when i saw the time thought "why don't we try the matinee and if we lose we can still try the night show." Sasha liked this idea so i met up with her and Matthew and we tried our luck... Sasha won the Wicked lotto for the first time ever, and i was so happy for her and myself.

Then we went back to Matthew and Sasha's place and ordered CHinese Food... it took FOREVER to come! like over an hour and we barely had time to eat before heading to the theatre, sadly Kyle Dean wasn't in the show that day. I won't lie i was more than a little crushed, i really am not a gigantic fan of Wicked and feared i would be in pain watching the show... luckily the current cast is pretty great and that made the show actually kind of enjoyable and i enjoyed the understudy that was on for Elphaba.

After the show was over we didn't bother stage dooring since i had already done so the past Sunday, and there was no kyle dean to say hi to, shallow i know but it was COLD! we went back to the apartment and just hung around for a while which was nice to catch up with Sasha and Matthew... then i left them to meet up with Mary and Kavin... they were hungry so we went to The Olive Garden, too bad i ended up feeling sick, but it was nice to socialize with them before i went home and went to bed!

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