Friday, September 19, 2008

Day 31/365 (September 18, 2008)

This billboard location in Times Square seems to have a profound impact on my life. Rent has closed and I have begun to accept that. Little things keep happening that make me pause and think about it, then I say to myself… OK you have that shock over; this was the final nail in the coffin. Alas I am always wrong. I recently walked by the Nederlander a few times and brought myself to terms with it and thought I was OK.

I was walking in Times Square and happened to look up. Logic says I should have realized the Rent billboard would come down, but of course logic doesn’t always cause your brain to catch up. I looked up and was caught off guard. I am glad to say I at least did not cry, though I did start to get a little teary-eyed. This is progress people!

This billboard was actually my first indication of Rents closing way back before an announcement was ever made about it. I remember walking in TS and looking up and seeing that the purple/brown Rent board was taken down and freaking and calling my mom and saying Rent is closing. Then when I told her it wasn’t announced I just figured because the board was taken down (I assumed to save costs) she thought I was being silly. Then a few days later I looked up and saw the black and white one and called her saying I must have been wrong, they are just switching to go back the original. At the moment I said unless they are going back to the original logo to close out the show… I then told her I wasn’t going to think about it.

It is funny how telling a sign can be, LOL!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Um. I still can't listen to a song from RENT - any recording - without tearing up. I haven't listened to a song all the way through yet.