Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 37/365 (September 24, 2008)

I finally began the actual act of moving into my room, which resulted in the entryway closet finally taking its rightful place in the world. I was very proud of how it turned out. Although in looking at this picture i realize i need to fix the tail on my turbie twist... it isn't folded neatly.

This closet is also an example of chez tamra et krysta... we either don't have it, or have a plethora of it; this closet contains:

3 air matresses

8 blankets (more when laundry is done)

3 sheet sets (even more when laundry is done)

8 towels

7 (at least) pillow cases

This also mean that my clothes are now hanging in my room closet and i have taken most of my stuff out of the livingroom, my room is not going to be unpacked for a long while... but i am officially living in it!


Serendipity2908 said...

am so happy that you're finally living in YOUR room! I can't wait to see what you transform it into... or better yet, what the living room becomes! where will you know who be (M.M.A.)? But yay!

Anonymous said...