Monday, July 6, 2009

Day 322/365 (July 6, 2009)

he's chewing a little bone here

today was a short and long day in many ways. tucker was especially stressful in the barking and biting department, but he also played games and cuddled with me at times. i read harry potter and the half-blood prince for quite sometime (over 100 pages) and am well on my way to finishing it before i go see the movie.

my emotional state was better than it has been the last several days but it began to break while i was grocery shopping and realized that there is nothing that excites me anymore (food-wise) and that made me think about things which led to a downward spiral, which means i am trying my best to fix it because i am proud of the fact i made it several hours before lying down on the couch.

so stupid thing of the day? someone broke their key in the apartment building door so you cant put your own key in there so you are stuck outside until either someone leaves the building or you can find someone to buzz you in by pushing random buttons... translation they better fix this in the early morning or else! then once you make it past the first door you have no worries since the second door lock is broken and you dont even need to put a key in it... just push it! (go figure)

the next to normal twitter chat back thing has apparently ended in a you ask the people involved capacity, and starting tomorrow the people involved will ask us. this saddens me because although it will be interesting to see what kinds of questions they are asking it isnt like we will see everyones answers, and i am guessing that means they wont go back to having us ask questions and i think that sucks because it is really fun having the answers come. i am sure it is annoying for those who are running it but maybe they can cut back on the amount of questions they ask everyday because once they finish doing the Q and A thing what will they do? it was a nice way to communicate with the fans without being annoying and making people talk about the show to people... sadness in my soul!

i also got a free ticket to a show called the perfect wedding on july 8th because of twitter and following the vital theatre company. i am pretty excited because who doesnt love free theatre, especially when the description of the show sounds pretty hip!

i also addressed some emails i had been ignoring the whole weekend... basically was any email that required thought i let go because i didnt feel like thinking this past weekend but i put my thinking cap back on today.

i ended up staying way late to watch ella enchanted on tv... i own it on dvd so there was no point but i still did!

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