Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 335/365 (July 19, 2009)

What day was it? Altarholic Appreciation Day for us wonderful fans of Altar Boyz!!!!

the day began by krysta making my hair all curly and fun... too bad between my natural hair defenses (despite strong hairspray) and the weather almost all the curls had fallen out before i got off the subway! then i went and picked up Sasha's camera and headed over to NWS. i dropped off some of the baked goodies to the best box office staff and went downstairs to meet up with michelle and then everyone else when they got there. 

It was Michelle. Tim, Devon, Karolina, Mark, Diane, Her Friend, Nicole, and her family, and at the very end Lynette, Michelle, and Nicky. we had such a lovely time chatting we headed into the theater like 3 minutes before showtime! Lympus even came and hung for a bit and we ate the satan's balls i had made... they were a hit!

You know we had a bunch of seats in the front row and werent really sure where each of us was going to sit... i almost didnt sit in B112 because well i like to be more center but i ended up there because everyone else had already picked a seat... good thing i did sit there! The show itself was super fun especially with us holics in the house, and my one accidental loud snort that drew alot of attention... darn inside jokes with michelle! the best part of the show, in my opinion of course, was something about you. i am an altarholic i had made peace with the fact i would never get to be the something about you girl again no matter how much i wanted to for a freaking picture on stage. well the song started and all was normal, and then it gets to the moment that the person who plays matthew starts to walk off the stage towards which ever girl will be pulled... well imagine my surprise when michael was walking towards and looking at me... at first i was convinced that he was just looking at someone behind me, but then he got closer and there was no question and i started shaking my head no in total disbelief! well there should have been no disbelief and i was quite happy and excited... once i got over the my flip flop was slipping off and i almost tripped up the step moment. it was pretty nifty being sung to and hearing my friedns in the audience all excited and stuff... and seeing the guys up onstage singing from that point of view. Travis brushed by my knee when he was walking towards michael, and then when the others had begun standing up to sing too they were all smiles. when travis took out the camera to take the picture my first thought was i hope my hair looks ok, then i thought ooo the camera is pretty and purple and i want it... then travis walked me off stage... happiness was an understatement! i am am super happy the picture was sent so quickly to me, but i won't lie i am more than a little disappointed it is so blurry! but it is something!

i would also like to point out that i have now performed on three out of the five stages at NWS... stage 4 as fog girl, stage 5 for the battery's down, and stage 2 from this aa day... what will it take to get on stages 1 and 3?

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