Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 329/365 (July 13, 2009)

here Pip is all snuggled in my lap

i had gotten up early to go drop off a resume and fill out an application at an office, then i came home and chilled for a bit. I took Tucker over to have a puppy playdate with Pip and ran into Ryan D. on the subway... he is just lovely to chat with. then tucker and pip played whilst sasha and i chatted (and she worked.) eventually krysta showed up for a bit and took tucker away, then marty came home and we ordered some food... i go a most delicious calzone but next time will not get the spinach because it tasted great but it was hard to bite through and was all bunching up. At one point Pip threw up on my shoulder but sasha cleaned it up all nice like

we watched some TV including Marty's How I Met Your Mother DVDs... let me tell you! i have seen a few different episodes and enjoyed them but seeing all the ones we did I LOVE IT! i need to remember to ask him to borrow them starting with season 1 so i can catch up. then we all tried and failed to go to bed. it was nice because fred came up and nuzzled with me, and even though my eye became painfully itchy and the nose was all runny it was totes worth it for some quality time! curse those allergies! lack of sleep was not cool for the day i had coming up ahead.

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