Saturday, July 19, 2014

I'm Baaaaaaaack!!!! Day 1/365 (July 18, 2014)

People have been doing #100happydays and this photo a day blog has really been on my mind lately. The other day i felt like looking through all of these posts and although I do not like my writing style it was so great to see a wonderful snapshot of my life. I have decided that it is time to try this again. Like last time I will post (at least one) photo each day (or at least a post for a photo each day. I am starting with yesterday's date.

It isn't possible to know me and not know that I love Zach Braff. I mean besides the fact that I think he is adorable and a wonderful actor he is a very talented writer and director. He had this crazy idea to use kickstarter to fund a movie that he and his brother had written. I decided to back it immediately because I knew this would be something special. The best part of being a backer meant we got to be included in all the steps of making this movie. He sent out updates on every aspect of what it takes to take a film from script to reality and offered the chance to feel like you were truly a part of the process.

One part of my reward was the chance to watch an early screening of the movie on my own computer. Sadly i wasn't able to because it was last weekend when I was knee deep in Karolina's baby shower. I was sad i missed the chance to see it early until after I saw it last night. I was inside a room filled to capacity with other supporters of Zach and I forgot what it was like to watch a movie with other people that are that invested in it as well. It was fun to hear the laughter and that heartfelt gasps from those around me. I don't want to give spoilers but i would recommend seeing this movie. I'm not married and I am not a parent but the emotions and themes throughout were ones that I could relate to and there were three separate times that i teared up. He (and his brother) have a way of writing these incredibly insightful one liners that seem so profound you just connect to them and think "how could you have figured this out when you are not that much older than I am" The cast was also truly fantastic, especially the children. He also doesn't wrap everything up in a perfect "clean" way as he puts it, which I think lends to the credibility of the piece.

The best part of seeing the movie was that he was going to do a Q and A afterwards. He came right after he finished his night performance of Bullets and then spent 45 minutes with us answering questions until like 1:30 in the morning, even though he had two shows the next day followed by another Q and A session after tonight's showing. He did not have to take that much time with us and share as much information as he did. It was great to hear his thought process behind everything. He also complimented me on my shirt (we were both wearing the backer t-shirt) so of course that made me quite pleased!

I really don't go see movies in theaters very often, this is probably my one movie for the year and I could not be happier with it as my choice. I look forward to it being released on DVD!

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