Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 165/365 (January 30, 2009)

so i went to Brooklyn to see the final dress rehearsal of Thoroughly Modern Millie at The Gallery Players to see Megan's fabulous costuming skills. The show was really great and i was super impressed by some of the performers, especially the actress playing Millie. It was interesting watching Megan taking notes and the fact that two actors put their dresses on backwards! Unfortunately during Act Two i started to feel really sick in my tummy and had no idea why.

After the show ended Megan asked me what i was doing after the show and i couldnt even pretend to be offended that she would ask what i was doing after something that ended well after 10 pm on a friday night. So i told her i was going to Mostly Sondheim. That however didn't happen.

As i rode the subway there i started feeling worse and right before the stop i needed to get off at for Mostly Sondheim i started to feel the pain pass through my whole body and start to get really bad and that is when the white and fuzzies started to come which meant i was about to faint. So i threw myself down between my knees until the feeling had passed and was thank-full i hadnt just finted. I was afraid it would happen again so i made this note on my phone and put it as my wall paper.

Luckily i did make it home safely (though i did almost faint again when transferring trains). i set everything down and then the toilet became my friend for the rest of the night. It was not fun.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you got so sick! But i'm so glad you got to see Millie when people had dresses on backwards!

Tamra said...

i know right! it is a fun story to have... backwards dresses!

emily said...

awwww tamra. this is brooklyn's fault. (don't tell megan i said that)

Tamra said...

psst emily i wont tell her but i think she might know!!!! hahahaha