Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 179/365 (February 13, 2009)

This was a special day in the level of Tamra. It was my last attempt (for a while at least) of trying to see Kyle Dean as Fiyero. I had Sasha and Karolina come to help. Sadly between them, my mom, and myself we lost, even though after they called everyone they had to call another name since someone dropped down to one ticket.

Sadness was an understatement. I went to the Box Office and all they had were craptastic seats priced at $126.50. I shouldn't have done that on my own, let alone getting one for my mom too.  Sasha then went to try to see if they would give her a different answer... they didn't. As we sat trying to decide what we were going to do until Mostly Sondheim i told them we had to leave the lobby of the theater or else i wouldn't be responsible and end up buying the tickets. As we were on our way out we ran into Ally and Natalie who also had lost and as they were trying to console me this person came up and was like i won the lotto and my boyfriend can't come do you want my tickets? I literally left everyone behind to talk to her. In the end she had said she offered them to me because i had looked so sad and she didn't need them. She made my freaking week! ANd Sasha helped tell her that for me because all i could say was I Love You I Love You I Love You.

Then the our of us went to chipotle and it was good talking and eating before the show. Some random SPring People came in and my favorite Marci X Wicked person.

The show itself was just great and i liked Nicole Parker alot. Kyle Dean was great and Sasha coached me on her technique for taking pictures during the show... i wasnt gutsy Act One (sadness) but during intermission i realized  could dim the brightness and that is how i got brave. I took a bunch and only two really came ut well but one is kind of cool, i cant upload that here because it is in iPhoto which is a butt munch. I used my real camera during curtain call and got this one.

I also learned i was right and Mark was wrong... the scarecrow costume is paint and not a mask.... haHA! (say like Juan).

It was great fun, and then my mom and i went to Mostly Sondheim and met up with Hope and her mom. It was an interesting night to say the least and some former hairspray boys sang Without Love (with their Tracy understudy) and they took off their shirts to sing! (not the girl) one even took his pants off!  Craziness

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He has such good posture.