Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 191/365 (February 25, 2009)

I was going for a zoolander look, and instead look upset... when in fact i had a great time!
I tried to capture all 3 sets of baked goodies... SUGAR COMA!!!!

Oh what a day!

I spent the day doing many random things. I must also note that with the exception of showing Grace select scenes from American Mall and listening to part of the commentary the day was spent listening to a whole bunch of music rockin' from my itunes.

Today i made a birthday card for Hope that i was super proud of, even if i can no longer allow myself to use super glue because it always results in more glue on me than anywhere else. I then began my baking quest of cupcakes to bring to Hope's celebration. I had lots of fun frosting them, and then decorating them. I wish i had better handwriting, but one container said happy birthday hope, and the other were random designs, music notes, and one that said TSS.

Eventually i showered and got ready to leave, and at this point had consumed a few cupcakes amongst other random food of the day, including an omelette that i put cheese on that i had to scrape it off because it disgusted me for the first time ever. I made my way to grand central since i had to take metro north to Pleasantville because that is where Lucy's Lounge was. The trip wasnt so bad and the train was for nicer than the ones that take me to new rochelle! The cupcakes had a tiny incident on the way of me dropping them, but luckily nothing happened to them and they remained safe... seriously those dollar store containers rock!

When i walked up the steps as Hope had said i found it pretty easily and headed in. I ended up only being like 8 minutes early and walked in to an almost empty place. However i found a girl sitting by her lonesome with cupcakes in front of her. I asked her if she was here for Hope's birthday and she said yes.... score! so we chatted until Hope arrived, and then until more people came and we moved over to a larger table. Another one of Hope's friends had come in with this beautiful/monstrous sized cake.

It was nice getting to know the few of her friends i had never met before, and it was eve nicer when i realized i had already met most of them so it ended up being an evening of just fun, instead of "oh hi i only know one person here awkwardness."  we sang her happy birthday in spanish and everyone ate so much of each others cake like goods The cake had chocolate squares on top, and was checkered inside with vanilla and chocolate cake. We ate so much we went into sugar overload! I suspect i will have a bad tummy ache tonight!

All of her friends are also nannies, and let me tell you how weird it was. I would have killed 3 years ago to have so many nanny friends back when i was a nanny. Everyone was talking about their day and the things the children had done, and for the first time i had nothing to share since i am no longer a nanny. I still liked listening. At one point a band started playing and the singer started sining in a grover (of the muppets) voice and we were like what? but then he started singing in his real voice... twas much better!

I left a little on the early side since the trains started coming much further apart and when i got home i was extremly pleased because Krsyta had mae a real dinner and i was able to consume the left overs which was much needed to get something non sugar related in my system.

Then i designed the money for altar boyzopoly since i hate the money design that came with the make your own opoly game... and now i shall get ready for bed and spend 5 hours brushing my teeth, because they sure need it!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Jess here...question for ya. Who was the singer at Lucy's? I know someone who plays there on Wed nights so I was wondering if it was him?

Tamra said...


i am not really sure, but i think the brtender said he was irish, but that couldnt have been him fooling around with them... um he had kind of grayish hair if that helps :D

glad you read this!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog and looking at your pics! :)
And the guy I know is Jon Cobert..but he's not Irish, is slightly balding (but wears a hat usually). Guess it's not the same dude.