Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 226/365 (April 1, 2009)

oh this was a weird and rough day! i woke up on the earlier side and was totally fine... life was good... then it all went downhill!

sometime around 2 i started to feel a little dizzy and was like WTF! then i had a conversation with mary on the phone and i told her that i was feeling dizzy and she was like try taking a nap maybe it will make you feel better and i figured she was right... so i hung up and let myself fall asleep.

well when i woke up a little while later i quickly discovered that i felt a thousand times worse! anytime i tried lifting my head up off the couch the room would spin around so violently that i felt sick and i could barely see straight.... i only felt ok when lying completely flat. i had no idea what was wrong with me or what medicine would ever help since i dont know what to take for spinning rooms. going to the bathroom was interesting at one point as the room was so spinny that i was richocheting (whatever) off of the tables and walls trying to get there then because i wasnt laying down i felt like i was going to faint and had just barely made it back to the couch to lay down.

my mom had called at one point and i made the mistake of telling her how dizzy i was and completely afraid because i had no idea what was happening and NOTHING like that had ever happened before... so then she called my aunt maureen since she lives on the UWS and is clearEly the closet relative to me and i ended up arguing and spending lots of time on the phone with her because she meant well but the last thing i wanted to do was be on the phone with anybody when i was feeling that way, and i had eaten the chocolates at one point hoping that maybe it was my blood sugar was low.. yea that didn't help. eventually krysta came home and i took two of her ibuprofen even though i dint think it would help, but thankfully it did and after a long night sleep i woke up with a little headache but felt fine.

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