Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 251/365 (April 26, 2009)

Interesting day for sure!

I woke up (an hour after i meant to) by a phone call from Mark. He had said he was already in town and was trying the West Side Story lotto and wanted to know if i would meet him for some lunch at the yummy Chipotle. I said sure! Well i looked at the time, and then after a quick phone chat with Krysta, realized i needed to get to steppin' because if i did i could get down in time to help Mark with the lotto. Also note that emma was cuddle all cute with me.

I have some how gotten really good at fast showers, because i was able to shower and get to West Side Story lotto in about 45 minutes! (even more impressive knowing the trains were running local!) Mark was seeing it by himself but had done a little "wheelin and dealin" with another lone person. Then i went and we spoke with two other random people until just before call time. I am pleased they changed the lotto policy just a little so now the alternate can buy tickets of whatever is left for seating. On the day i had no desire or motivation to see the show wouldn't you know i was the last name called! After i got the tickets we went to Chipotle.

It was packed and there were no seats to be had so we went to the courtyard to eat and pass the time until mark had to go to hi show. We picked a table that was out of the way and in the shade so i didn't get a burn. There was a lovely group of people practicing some sort of performance quietly next to us, so we got a personal serenade by a violinist, guitarist, and pretty vocalist.

Then we parted ways and i went home to kill some time before going back out to meet kim. I didn't plan on taking a crazy long nap, but i did! i am glad i had set my alarm to tell me i should be getting ready or who knows when i would have waken up! after drinking lots of water i headed out to Kim's to discover i left way too early! So instead of riding all the way to kim's i got off at 34th street to walk. On my way i found a whole foods on 25th which excited me and decided i needed to get some Angel Fluff in my life! it took me forever to find (and of course forever at the check out) but i did... even though they changed the bag, AND the name! it is now called karma puffs which i think is stupid and it says it has a new improved taste and i am afraid to try it because what if i dont like it?

Anywho i got to kim's and met her super cute awesome puppy! I am glad she seemed to love me since we will be playing together this week! (which reminds me i need to plan with Susie.) After i had a lovely time with kim and puppy i went out to meet mark at TOL. I got stuck in the subway for ages which stunk and was a little late, but whatevs! Once out of the subway as i walked towards NWS i ran into the guy who got Mark's second ticket and he said he had enjoyed the show. We had a nice time chatting and stuff, then we left and went to Therapy. It was their comedy night and there were some pretty funny things and some not so funny at all things!

Finally i came home and caught up on a few emails and wrote this, though i wont uplaod the pictures until i wake up. At one point Fred started going into the bag of fresh litter and i was like what? so i took a picture and am going to make an icanhascheeseburger caption with something like "do i really haf to do allz the work maself?"

Now it is time for bed!

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