Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 248/365 (April 23, 2009)

Today was an interesting day to say the least. Krysta took Tucker to Josh's for the day so there was no puppy to play with, but i had the two best NY kitties to give me some lovin'!

i barely had time after i woke up to eat breakfast (which was frozen yogurt because my refrigerator tends to freeze things, and well when it isnt meant to be frozen it isnt so good) then get myself ready to go out. (I slept in real late.)

I was supposed to meet judith in central park for a little picnic and to watch some softball but that resulted in me sitting on a bench by myself waiting and eating by my lonesome. I was not happy in the least! wish i could say whatever to it but i cant.

Then i headed back home since i needed to shower and stuff before heading out. I went to Penn station to meet Mary, Kim, and Susie. After quite the fiasco of trying to locate each other we went on our way. We lucked out in getting like the last set of seats on the LIRR which were also the ones that faced each other so that was nice.

Once we got to Westbury (on long island) we walked a little and had a failed phone call to a cab place, but we found a company so we grabbed a cab there and headed to the venue. We thought we had front row center seats until we got there and the front row was stupidly organized into 4 rows (true) and then the biggest uncool was that we got split up 2 and 2! but we werent the only ones in our section alone there were two other groups of people that got split up because of it! Luckily the two people next to mary and i were willing to switch with us so we could all sit together.

The show was beyond beyond beyond hilarious! I am not usually into comedians and dont usually find anything they have to say funny, but OMG! I love that he uses music and just has a great way of delivering the material. There were times when he was singing and he would hit some awesome notes and the whole crowd would be cheering and i was like its kinda cool to know that people who arent necessarily into musicals and stuff can appreciate it. I just cant get over how funny it was and Rob was it? was a guy who came out and was really funny too, and then Joberg was awesome! When he came out singing his voice basically filled the whole theatre (or should i say circus tent?) and yea he is justa funny talented guy who can hit some crazy high notes and make it look like nothing. (really wish i had seen him in ABz)... People loved him too and were even buying his CD! I snorted so much during the show that my throat ended up hurting like whoa! and this guy in front of us loved it, like he kept giving me the thumbs up, looking back and laughing and everything. As we were leaving he even told me how much he loved my laughter... i totally made a fan!

After the four of us began our journey home which was quite the trip! We walked up a ways because Susie was all we have time let's just walk back to the train station. Well after a tiny but we were like um we have no idea where to go, so we called a cab number. As we were trying to tell them where we were a cab pulled up and we were like ooo get in. Seriously? he was crazy and sounded funny and drove fast and we all thought we were going to die... this of course led to an interesting discussion on the train about us joking how we thought he was going to kill us... we really are interesting awesome people! So anyways as we were driving we were on a highway which was weird since we didnt take one there and it seemed really long... well that is because instead of taking us to the Westbury train station he took us to the Hicksville train station? we couldn't get out the cab fast enough.

We waited and ended up on a pretty empty train on the way back, but the ride was pretty quick and it was fun talking about crazy creepy cabbie and the show we had just seen. then we parted ways and i walked Mary to Port Authority and then headed home where i got some yum in my tum and wrote this.

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