Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 235/365 (April 10, 2009)

What a day! so i was supposed to be at my aunt's for 2 so we could head out, i couldnt sleep the night prior (much like the last few nights) and even though i got home at a reasonable time i didnt get to bed until a little after 5. I was planning on waking up at noon which would not have made that a problem but my aunt decided to call me at 9 am! i have always had a "you can only call me between noontime and midnight" policy unless i have given prior permission to break this no matter what time i get up and get ready... it is even worse to be jostled after barely 4 hours of sleep and being awoken by the phone is one if the things i hate most in this world! 

anywho she tells me its supposed to rain and pack light because stuff might not fit in the truck. and she said it in a way that made me feel like "i know i said you could ride with me but i would rather you didn't" so because i couldnt fall back asleep my cranky self sought out the help of others to decide what to do. i knew i would be missing several fun things whilst in MA and i know that i really end up in emotional misery when i go to MA so i didn't know what to do. finally i decided that i would rather be misery than deal with the guilt of telling my mother i was coming then having to tell her i wasnt because i was made to feel unwanted/invited.

the feeling got even worse when i got there and my aunt couldnt understand why i was so cranky and i explained to her that is what happens when i am woken up after only 4 hours of sleep, then i had to ride in the truck on the way back with my stuff in flimsy plastic bags hoping they wouldnt fly out of the back or get destroyed when it started to rain. it was emotional and physical uncomfortable travel.

we hit some traffic but made it back and i was so happy to see my kitty stalker since i love and miss him so much. then there was errand to target where i got some needed baking stuff and the stuff to make dinner the next night.

then it was back to my mom's place and laundry and TV. this also turned out to be my First MA trip in a couple years that didn't have some sort of benefit for me, like a show or concert.

i also i was extremely happy when stalker curled up and slept next to me that night!

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