Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 241/365 (April 16, 2009)

The day started off taking care of Tucker, Fred, and Emma. Then i got a phone call from Michelle that Kyle Dean was going to be performing in At This Performance on Sunday so i bought a ticket then l got dressed and headed out.  Marty was doing a reading of sorts so i went down to see him and left Tucker alone for the first time. I was a little paranoid but when i came back he was of course fine. Marty and this other girl sang ten songs from a show and the music was really good actually and Marty got to sing some pretty stuff. It was nice hearing just him, and not a bunch of others at the same time.

Then i went to Sasha's apt and picked up her sweet camera and came back. Like i said Tucker was fine and then i passed the time until i got ready for realsies.

I headed out to Kenny's Castaway to see Frisco Verdes perform. I was quite excited that it was easy to get to if i used the A train and i didnt have to do any crazy transfers of the like, then walk a bazillion miles away. I met up with Karolina and then we went in and met Diane. The only open table was in the front and it was actually two tables but a chair had a coat on it and there was a used beer glass. I moved the beer glass to the table that had the coat and chair then moved a chair to the other table and split them up a bit. FV didnt start when we thought they would (of course) and we had to scream to hear each other over the loudness. Our waitress was pretty bad too. Frisco Verdes was great of course and i was able to take some pretty awesome pictures when i got the guts to use the flash. I mean i was told i could but i still felt bad, next time i will do so more! Diane and i also learned that we were so not on the same page for our road-trip in May... gotta work on that.

Then we headed out and went to see karaoke for a hot second, but left shortly there after because diane saw the time and was like i need to catch a train so i didnt even get to sing a song... oh well!

ps insomnia is the stroy of my life still and if it changes i will let y'all know!

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