Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 344/365 (June 26, 2015)

What a long day, but a very awesome productive day!

I got up early and began making the cakes for Lola. It took me several hours but I made her a beautiful rainbow birthday cake and even made extra rainbow cupcakes from the extra batter. Sadly i will not be able to get a picture of the inside of the cake but I can tell the rainbow turned out well from the leveling of the cakes. I also did a great job leveling the oven because there wasn't much leveling I needed to do. I decided to frost the inside of the cake a light blue so it would be like the sky.

I am so proud of how it turned out and extremely thankful the fondant rainbow stayed upright in the cake! I also sprayed it with pearl shimmer so it would sparkle.

I also fit in packing for New Hampshire and multiple cupcake deliveries, and going to the office for a bit!

Then Sasha, Karen, and I headed out to NJ to drop off the cake. Thankfully it made it there safely and we got to see Lola for a tiny bit on her birthday and give her her present, then it was back home for a little bit of sleep.

Also my rainbow fun today was even more fun since the Supreme Court ruled Gay marriage was legal and everyone was cheering. Different things like the White House, and SF City hall, empire state building, etc... all turned themselves rainbows with lighting choices. Even the Freedom Towers spiral antenna got festive which you can sort of see in a picture.

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