Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 359/365 (July 11, 2015)

spent whole day being very low key. watched tv, did some more crafting, i mean until like 3 pm i only had like 400  steps or so! Charlie did try to eat the plastic from my lunch.

I made very conscious food choices throughout the day in anticipation of the color run that night. Then I showered and got dressed to meet up with Sydney and Katherine.
This Color Run 5K was so far out in Brooklyn... It was a half hour bus ride from the last stop on the 2 train to where the shuttle took us to the event! Middle of no where!

We rocked it out, and were smart and got to start in the second set of runners and they started it early so that made everything so much better!

We split up during the run... i technically made it 3.1 miles in 32 minutes and 55 seconds but the course was actually a touch longer so it took me 35 minutes to complete which I found so impressive. It was fun running in the dark with all the glow.

After it was over i was sad because they didn't hand out medals like they said they were but whatever... then met up with the others and we had our own dance/color throw party. Took some fun pictures and then decided to head home! One couple who took a group photo for us also took a selfie of themselves which I found funny!

When we got on the subway there were like only two non-color runners on there at first. There was also a bug incident and some guy was the hero and killed the bug who was reigning terror on us all and he got some applause for his efforts! Thankfully I ended up making it home just before midnight and I decided i was sleeping in my color.

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