Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 358/365 (July 10, 2015)

Was at work almost the entire day which was not the plan, then went to run some errands. I popped into a GNC, Michaels, Harmon Cosmetics, and Trader Joe's. Went home and put food away then I went to the kinky boots lotto. I wanted to see the show since Jake was on as Charlie but i don't like the lotto seats so much, so I was torn. I met up with Holly who was definitely trying and she knew i was coming but she still only put down for 1 ticket so i read her the riot act and was like you always always always put down for two tickets no matter what.

I did end up winning but decided to just get the ticket for Holly because I knew the seat would be in the box and there is no point going to see the show if you can't see half of it. Then I went with her to the evil cookie place while she ate a cookie which was torture. lovely convo with her but i wanted a cookie so badly and i remained strong. Also ran into Zach and Brian. Then Anna took her break and I went for more torture with her and Holly while they ate pizza for dinner. It hurt being strong and not giving into temptation but it was nice to chat with them.

Then i went home and had dinner and worked on some arts and crafts for the wedding... different rainbow options.

I made super yummy cauliflower fried rice.

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