Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Day 32/365 (August 18, 2014)

After work it was off to the gym/training with Travis. I scheduled training for earlier in the day because we have Lola for a sleepover... though she got to the apartment around 11/noonish... so I had to wait before the fun could begin.

When I got home home Lola yelled how happy she was to see me because it had been so long and that she had a surprise for me. She took me to my room and she sowed me these paper flowers she made... she really knows the way to my heart!

We made samoa cupcakes an I decorated the cake for my coworker, as well as made yummy zuchinni to eat. I make it so spicy though my nose always starts to run!

I had showed Lola my lamp from Turkey earlier in the night and forgot I had left it on until i went to bed and saw it... I really do love it and should turn it on more! Please note one of her outfits for the evening complete with tiara and headband, she has so much personality!

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