Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 104/365 (October 29, 2014)

After only 2 hours of sleep both Ally and I woke up to rush Pippin for Kyle Dean's last day as Pippin on Broadway. We got there way too early, but once again we wanted to be safe not sorry. It is a good thing we were first in line because they only had two front row seats left for the evening show. It was worth it. We played Disney trivia in line and her friends got there later, but they had to study for their mid-terms... yuck! I ended up with the one front row seat I hadn't sat in yet AA112! Had to do my sad face rush pose in front of his poster before it went away.

Then i rushed home and did a quick change and headed to work for a few hours. I dropped some of the smores off at Cinderella for Neil and I came home to have lunch, shower, and change and when I got there I found mail from Whitney which was a super cute cupcake necklace and a unicorn for cats... so naturally I took a picture of Fred wearing it. I tried for charlie but he did not cooperate. Then it was off to the matinee. The show itself was wonderful and I loved my seat J1 but man oh man the audience was terribly rude! there was a high school group there and they kept talking and making oOo noises at things and especially during the shirtless/cage seen they were so rowdy and cat calling him and whistling an it was embarrassing me highly I do not know how Kyle Dean (and the others) kept it together like nothing was happening, and then when he was putting his shirt back on some were yelling to keep it off. and later in Act Two the Bolero seen when they were under the covers it was rough! The people all around me were talking loudly, and at one point when KDM is in the audience at the beginning of the duck scene as he was walking off an older man in front of me yelled run away she is trouble, and KDM made the funniest look as he was trying to remain in character and turn around for his next line. Also during intermission I spied Mark by where I was sitting and I didn't realize just how much his sudden dropping me s a friend had affected me until I saw him and it made me extremely unhappy and angry that he was even there. didn't he like move to Florida or something... why not stay away, jerk! I can't help it that you are behaving like a big old baby when you are more than 20 years older than I am. Any way it had been really nice out on the way there so I didn't have a coat but by the time the show ended it was freezing, but since this was his last day I was waiting at Stage Door and Mark was only a few feet from me and we did not acknowledge each other's presence. I kept debating about if I should or not but for a while I couldn't bring myself to be the bigger person. It became apparent after a while that no one, even KDM, would be coming out but I am so competitive and Mark made me so angry that I din't want to let him "win" by giving up and leaving first, despite how freaking cold I was. I waited for at least 45 minutes to an hour and finally only caved because I needed to go to the bathroom pretty badly. On the way by thoughj i did say Bye Mark, he begrudgingly said bye back.

I came home and warmed up and had dinner before heading out for KDM's last show. I liked sitting in that seat and the show itself once again was really good but once again another rude audience. This time there were 3 people in the front row on the other side that turned out to be friends of one of the acrobats. They were drunk and yelling during the show, like repeating lines and waving arms like at a concert and it wasn't until the very end an usher came and told them to stop... it should have been sooner! Once again not sure how the cast stayed in character, true professionals, especially the little boys who played theo who didn't let the talking stop them from their moment at the end of the show and stayed on key and everything.

KDM got extra applause/love after extraordinary and that made me happy. Ally decided to wear her Pippin costume for pictures and I must say, despite my concern over the color not being right more than one cast member, KDM included, said "the color was spot on" so I did a really good job! Mike even said he asked the wardrobe department about the shirt because a friend really liked it and I guess in the show they buy a really expensive designer one to dye and here she was with a $6 one I dyed correctly that fit and looked the same... so I win! While at the stage door Mark and I once again kept our distance and I ran onto that Producer guy from last week who is a character and was bedazzled. He was pretty intense but amusing to speak with and quite eccentric. The only time he really bothered me was when KDM came out and I wanted to speak with him by myself, and I gave him personal space to chat with KDM, then when he kept trying to come talk to me he just didn't want to let go and KDM and I kept giving each other looks like okay let's wrap this up. When we finally got to chat he sang "so anyway I'm leaving" from n2n and i was like knife to the heart dude! we chatted for just a bit because I knew he was busy and others were still waiting but I said I would come see him on tour and we said goodbye and had him sign my playbill. I can't lie about how he makes my heart happy, especially when he calls me doll and when he keeps up the tradition of writing love you on playbills form his final shows. Then he moved on tot he next set of people and I chatted with this girl I had met earlier in the day from Mexico for a while. She was nice, then I chatted with Ally and the twins for a while before finally heading home. It was a very long and fun eventful day!

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