Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 121/365 (November 15, 2014)

went to the gym in the morning, then came home and showered. When Lola came over we had tea party 2.0 for her benefit, costume and all! Jo Ann even came, as well as Sasha's boss and one of the little kids, and Pensk. It was super cute and Lola enjoyed it. We baked "better than brownie cookies" and the two kids decorated them. After it was over I took Lola to NJ to meet up with her dad. Cookies plus whip cream equal YUM!

Earlier in the day Giada (from the food network) tweeted that she couldn't go to Alton Brown's show anymore that night in NYC. Since Alton is big on tweeting via Post-It notes she said to post your funniest Post-It note tweet. I was like ooooo, too bad I am not funny. Then I got this idea and I dressed Fred in a bow-tie (like Alton) and wrote the note from his perspective and sent it in... to my complete shock and surprise and happiness she PICKED ME! I was pretty excited! Sadly ticketmaster was not cooperating so it took her assistant and me working back and forth like two hours before I could finally get the tickets.

The show was still really good. Things were changed up a touch, and he sped up some things and cut a tiny part out, but the really cool thing was Alton had Justin Warner come out and sing (well rap) TV Chef with him... it was ridiculously amazing! I love Justin too, so WIN!

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