Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 258/365 (May 3, 2009)

i woke up feeling alot happier which was nice, and after some good puppy time i made my way out. It was raining, and he the streets were so water filled. i ended up getting soaked on my 25 minute walk tot he life cafe. sneakers were a pool, and my pants got hit so bad, it went all the way up to my knees!

Anywho Emilie wanted to celebrate her birthday at Life Cafe, so that is where i went. Emilie, Jennifer, Carina, Steph, Vicki, Jerri, Some other girl, and myself stayed there for like 2 hours (maybe a little more.) They very nicely didn't kick us out even after we payed. I really don't like the food at Life Cafe, yeek! my turkey burger was plain and burnt! Then we walked to Crumbs by union square and i was proud of myself for no breaking down and buying a cupcake! then we all headed uptown. i went to the NWS Box Office to buy tickets to ABz for dawn and myself. Ended up with great seats for tomorrow night! while there i ran into Ravi very quickly, and MKC and group of his friends holding up the line buying tickets. (not really holding up the line) then i got my tickets and headed back to kim's. i was able to finally make the pizza and do the dishes that i have made since i was here. Soon i am going to make sure i have all my stuff and head home, since Kim gets back tonight. I am watching a cheesy movie on ABC Family called Taking 5 and enjoying it quite a bit!

I also got bit by the organization/cleaning bug! i decided my closet needed sme work so i switched out the winter stuff and put in the spring stuff and i also reorganized it back into sections... it took a long time but felt wicked good!


Pun said...

Life cafe! home of rent! yay!

Hi Tamra,

realized you havn't commented on our blog ever since we booted back up in Jan. We're updating regularly now with really cool content. Hope you'll come back!


Tamra said...

i didn't know it was back, thanks for the heads up... ill put it back on my blog checking rotation :D

i am excited the show is in Boston right (my original home) so hopefully i can make it back out there!