Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day 271/365 (May 16, 2009)

i have decided that the bulk of the days of this trip will be written about in livejournal (if i ever get around to it)

the basics of the day, got up and had breakfast, eventually went to the columbus zoo even though my vote was for cedar point.

we saw lots of animals including my favorites which are tigers and otters oh and we found the cutest tiniest baby ducks and i kept saying oh my god its a ____ then inser whatever cuteness i was seeing... basically i behave like a 5 year old child in the zoo.... i just love animals so much!

then we had dinner at cracker barrell which is just so much yum and literally for one of the most filling meals i have had in a long time it was scary/refreshing to see our dinner check for the two of us combined was about the same price as 1 person in NYC

then spent time in the hotel online and watching ever after and reading the princess diaries.

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