Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 272/365 (May 17, 2009)

got up early, ate some breakfast, then packed and got all my stuff together.

we began our really long roadtrip home which wasnt as easy because we got some traffic and didnt have anything exciting to look forward to. 

we ate at a friendly's and i got one of the best burgers i have ever eaten... so much yum! and then i had to pee because i drank 2 root beers and 1/2 a glass of water and i called it extreme regreat knowing i would be very far away from a bathroom.

i got dropped off at the strain station and made my way back to NY, then the subway, then home and PEEING! then some TV and bed... which was funny too

so i tried watching some tv but between krysta coming home and talking about her day, and then trying to watch it i failed... i finally got to  point where i could and emma began meowing hardcore again.(ps she was on me like glue once i got back since she missed me) and i got up to see what she wanted and realized that she wanted to go to bed, and wanted me in bed now... so i was put to bed by a cat, because as soon as i laid down she stopped meowing and hopped up in a ball next to me! so i gave her some TLC, then i got up and got ready for bed, then went to sleep... it made me happy!

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