Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 280/365 (May 25, 2009)

after like 3 hours of sleep, and a really scary nightmare that almost made me not leave the apartment i conquered the temporary fear of the nightmare and headed out to RockefellerPlaza for the Today Show. i was surprised that even that early and on a holiday the train came pretty fast and even ran express, i got there in record time! anywho we began our wait, then they finally let us into the area around the stage. i never got any of the free stuff that was being handed out despite my best efforts, i almost got a pin but someone stole it from me as the kid looked directly at my face while trying to hand it to me! anywho after hours on our feet, and numerous amazing sound checks we got a rocking performance. poor constantine almost wiped out when trying to stand on a speaker, then tried it again and mouthed "watch this" before attempting and succeeding! i now know the blocking and choreography of those performances hardcore! Rock of Ages did such a great job and it was so worth it!

then i came home and stayed up for quite some time before i finally crashed into a little nap. eventually i woke up and did a little tv watching before crashing at about 10:30

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