Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 283/365 (May 28, 2009)

it says: "You have a potential urge and the ability for accomplishment"

so the day started with me waking up relatively early and feeling really down about the job thing, the last few weeks have been a sort of slow spiral and then the last few days i have been just a complete emotional plummet. things keep happening that give me temporary good times but they dont seem to be enough, and my throat was still killing me! peppermint is a life saver and i will miss my peppermint sticks when they are gone

then to make matters worse i started feeling really queasy and even though i had lunch at like 1 around 4 i could still taste the fluffernutter stuck in my throat it seemed and it was so disgusting! i wont be eating those for a while to come now!

anywho i got some happy news karolina asked if i would come with her to rock of ages since sadly karen couldnt make it. of course i jumped at the chance since i hadnt actually seen her in some time and i do enjoy the show.

emma has unfortunate timing and chooses to cuddle with me when i have to get up and go! anywho krysta came home and after the long day with tucker too we left, and i parted ways. i met karolina at ollies intending not to eat since i felt like vomiting but the food is so good so i had some edamame and chicken dumplings (YUM), and some of her chicken fried rice. then we headed to the theater. the show was even better this time and first time i saw the whole cast. karolina loved it and with the exception of the gigling fan girls in front, the girl giving lap dances in the box, and the most obnoxious theater goer i have encountered who did everything wrong except have a cell phone go off, including having a full dinner during the second act, it was just an awesome show.

anywho so we headed to stage door after and karolina got almost everyone in the cats, but the funniest moment (she will kill me for this but oh well) happened when she got her picture with james c. so it went a little something like this, though i am sure they are not exact quotes but they were pretty close to it, and he might go see it! (i am so good!)

Karolina held up peace sign while he held up rock on sign

Him: what is that
Karolina: what?
Me: oh that's from another show we see alot
Him: oh hair
Me: no altar Boyz
James: is that a good show, should I go see it?
Me: yea, I've seen it 120 times
Him: really how about this can you make it a 121?
Me: we're working on that

anywho then we finally went our separate ways and i got home to find a wonderful youtube video that i spent 2 hours trying and failing to rip audio from

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