Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 262/365 (May 7. 2009)

This photo was "stolen" from TONY Lounge's FB Page

So began my massive lack of sleep, but fun doom! As became usual we went to bed around 3/4ish in the morning and right beforehand Dawn was like let's try getting standby tickets for Jimmy Fallon. SO she left earlier than me, and then i got up at 7 and joined her in the standby line. After they handed out the tickets we grabbed a bite to eat and headed home. I wanted to go to the softball games which i am beginning to think i am not supposed to, so instead of sleeping i took a tiny 20 minute nap and got up and got tucker together and headed to central park. (keep in mind i checked the website before i left and in hindsight have realized that page was loaded offline) so i get there to the field i wanted and nothing! as i make my way to the other fields with lots of walking and frustration over confusing central park i get there and see nothing! i walked for almost two hours with a 6 pound puppy that only walked the equivalent of about 10/15 street blocks the whole time. then i check my phone and on my phone it said the games were cancelled due to rain... awesome, not!

then i get home and no time for napping, i change into my clothes for the night and see it has started to rain slightly so i put on my rain boots.  we walk outside with umbrellas and it was a slight rain... we get about a block away and MASSIVE downpour the rest of the way. it was also windy so basically our umbrellas did nothing and we got soaked from head to toe! we checked in on the standby list then went to a bathroom and used the driers to try and dry off a little.. didnt work so much with me! then we took our place in line when we were allowed to.

they ended up pulling us from the regular line and putting us in the band line and finally still wet we took our seats in the extremely air conditioned studio... just the thing in soaking wet clothes! the filming was pretty fun and we saw martha stewert, some stupid comedian, and got to be on stage when a band played. after it was over we ran out to get to the birthday party and when i did i saw a girl get hit by a cab (nothing serious, a little roll and she was totally fine as exhibited by how quickly she whipped out her cell phone and rolled her head around in anger) so i was like "let's not be good samaritans and just go!" so we did... (and ended up meeting martha's dogs)

eventually we got to chevy's to celebrate matthew and mackenzie's 21st birthday and of course dawn's 22 nd birthday, since today was her birthday. we had a nice meal and chatted with everyone (sasha, marty, amelia, zuri, todd, and brian at one point). then i rushed over to new world stages so i wouldnt be late for check in for karaoke idol.

i was already in a state of panic experiencing slight stage fright before i got there since they wanted a headshot (like i had one of those), but then i got there and the place was bursting at the seems with people, so many of them, the check in line was long, and i saw the performances would be happening down stairs and was being projected on the TOL tvs for anyone who wanted to stay upstairs. then i found out who the judges were... yea i have never been nervous like that before. i mean my pulse was racing, i was on the verge of tears, and at times had a hard time breathing. people tried to make me feel better like dawn, lympus, mkc, and mitch... yea it didnt help! finally i was able to calm myself down enough to pretend like i was ready... and i ended up having a great time and felt so good about facing my fear!

i hung around the whole time standing mostly in my painful rain boots (mistake) and dawn had left to do some shopping then go home. it ended at 2... i still havent slept at this point but the rest makes sense on next entry for the date of it all.

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