Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Day 333/365 (June 15, 2015)

Spent so much time at work and I felt very productive and like I didn't get much done. I also got a call while there that the Sara Chase concert was canceled on Friday... saddened by that!

I was also asked to make something for a Broadway Bares bake sale so I am excited by the idea I have in my head, hope I can pull it off! After work I went to the cake store to look for ideas/inspiration which I found, then I went to training. Ended up only doing 30 minutes because of a scheduling snafu and I am very flexible. I used that to run to Trader Joes since I needed a few things. So my favorite employee and we chatted theater of course. Then I headed home. It was actually really nice out I almost walked home but I had too much stuff from TJ to do that so I took the subway.

While at home i made a card for somebody and made the dough for the sugar cookies I have to make tomorrow. It seemed too loose but it had been a while since i made them and the apartment was a bit hot so i didn't want to add more flour in case it was okay after chilling. I checked the dough after i went to bed.. not okay! Tomorrow i am either going to have to hope adding more flour makes it okay or make a new batch of sugar cookie dough. I hope i don't have to do that because my egg count is limited AND sugar cookies take a whole lot of flour! Potential sugar cookie fail, I don't have time for you!

Charlie at bath time.

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