Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 207/365 (March 13, 2009)

Barely 3 hours of sleep, but nothing could bring down the happiness! I got up, got ready, fed the kitties, said goodbye to the kitties, and headed to the bus to take me to LaGuardia… Sadly I just missed one by the time I had walked to 125th ST but luckily I only had to wait 6 minutes or so in the cold. Then the bus got me to the airport and I got all paranoid because when I went to use the kiosk machine to check in and avoid the lines it said Please See Agent. So I had to wait in a long line while freaking out that somehow my tickets had been cancelled. It turns out it was because my seat was in the exit row and they needed to ask me if I would be willing to help out in an emergency situation if I wanted to get my ticket on the plane… I said yes. Then I waited through the security checkpoint, which didn’t take that much time in the grand scheme of things. I grabbed a bagel from Dunkins so I wouldn’t starve and wait to board the plane. I was stuck in a middle seat but it was still all l good in the hood. I fell asleep for a while we taxied and waited for take off. It got backed up we left so much later than we should have which caused me worry that I would miss my connecting flight. However in a very rare moment for myself I told myself “I have no control over if I miss the next flight and that what will happen, will be and not to stress over something I can’t control.” You know what it made the trip so much nicer! I spent the majority of the trip reading the final Princess Diaries book, but after like 75 pages I got tired of reading and began rocking out to various boots of Bitch Of Living (unusual) until we had to turn off our electronics. We landed and pulled in and they made an announcement asking the passengers to let the people off that had to make very tight connecting flights… I ran off and got to the terminal at 12:05, which was 5 minutes before they stopped letting people board! Lucky lucky lucky! There was some sort of team on board and when we landed they pilot wished them luck on their competition…. It was a gymnastics team that seemed like it had about 20 junior high schoolers in it.

The next flight (layover in Atlanta) put me in the middle again, but I made a “new best friend” when the window seat guy got to our row and was like you can just move down if you want so I don’t have to step over you and I was like THANKS! (So lucky)… I know most people think I am crazy but when I fly I love to look out the window and I think it is wasted when people shut the flap or sleep the whole time. My favorite is take off or landing when you can see the ground below. It always makes me think about how amazing people are and how everything was built like roads and houses and buildings and how it all somehow seems to fit on this space we call earth and we have this incredible technology that can bring us like 30,000+ feet in the air… so crazy! I would also like to point out how stressful it is to transport cookies through air travel? (I stuck a few of Matthew’s cookies aside to bring to Texas. I listened to music, wrote yesterdays and this part of the blog, then nothing until I go to the airport. Our stewardess had a strong Scottish accent.

So it was freaking freezing, 39*!!!! And rainy, and I had to wait over 90 minutes to get my rental car because their computers were down! (Everything was being done by hand.) I reserved a small car because I am only one person with not that much stuff… but they didn’t have any small cars so they gave me this beast of a car, a KIA rotundo. Guess I finally get to drive a KIA even though I don’t care about that anymore. The car also cost WAY more than I was told and I had a little heart attack but freedom right?

So I get in the car and I pull out my 4 mix CDs. I made them by selecting songs I would want to listen to, I mixed them up in a crazy nonsense order, burned them to 4 discs, then I shuffled the discs so I had in idea what came first so I wouldn’t know what was on any CD. I put in the disc I later labeled 1, pushed play, and know what the first song to play was? Honey by J.I. as sung by MKC… was that not crazy? Then a little ways driving I found this place and it made me giggle… I got so lost finding the hotel and I am bummed I cant go swimming because it is too cold, but I am excited to get settled in, then I am going to go exploring a bit before I get to see High School Musical.

The show itself was actually quite good! I think the cast did a great job. The theater (though it is actually a “performance hall” is really quite pretty and radio Disney was there to entertain the mass of kiddies before hand. I cant believe that show was put together with only two weeks of rehearsals! Before the show started though I had about 4 children and three adults think I was an absolute kook! I put my ticket in my “playbill” as I always do and put it in my bag. Well I went to double check my ticket was still in there and I couldn’t find it so I looked up and down the aisle to locate it to no success and it was no where near my seat… the people around me could tell I was looking for something and when I told them my ticket they couldn’t understand why I still needed it since I was already in my seat, but they helped to look nonetheless. One little boy told me he thought he saw something flutter down form my stuff like a leaf when I went to sit, and the little girl next to me looked down in the orchestra pit and found it on the ground, so I had to ask a keyboard guy if he could please hand it to me and he did thankfully! Well then I went to find my phone so I could turn it off… yea couldn’t find it again and the same little boy behind me found it on the ground under a seat down the row form me… how it got there I have no idea! But yea I was a bit of a discombobulated mess!

I waited at the Stage door after and it was nice to see MKC. The little kids were all so cute and excited and it made me smile. I was able to chat with him for a bit before I left and got so very lost… I ended up at a 7/11 where the employees thought I was hilarious when I told them about my night and that I had come from NY to see HSM… but eventually I found my hotel and played online before going to bed.
The more fine details of this will be found in a live journal entry if you are one of my LJ friends.

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