Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 223/365 (March 29, 2009)

i still felt sick but headed out to meet Karolina and David in SoHo for another wedding thing. this has turned out to be my favorite so far because it was informative and not a zoo! there was a really yummy drink we got that was made of passion fruit, edle berry (spelling?), and some sort of vodka, and yummy appetizers, and some chocolate to try. we got a nifty gift nag with chocolate in it that came in handy later... well tried to at least.

then we parted ways and met up with Mary and Devon and went and got dinner at Vynl. I got the most yummy BLT and we had fun, then headed over to NWS for altar boyz/cookie delivery. While waiting we were ran into Nicole who was volunteer ushering for Rooms and then were joined by michelle and tim while they waited to see toxic avenger. i dropped off the cookies and we had our usual bought of fun and diane joined us too.

the show was great and neil had a wonderful flub of losing the van instead of wrecking it... then there was a BC/EFA photo shoot for mary and devon and neil's mom. (other people too but i didn't know them.)

then we headed to TOL but never actually stayed in there, instead spent the whole time outside because they had moved the tables and chairs out for some sort of TA talk back. we were able to say our goodbye to neil and had lots of fun with each other. then finally it was time to head home!

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