Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 222/365 (March 28, 2009)

This bottle of pepto-bismol became my best friend for the next two days because i felt so incredibly nauseous/sick... and basically tried to starve myself (until i got home) to prevent any possibility of throwing up while out and about. even though i was sick i got up and headed out because i had made plans to meet sarah for a bit since we hadn't seen each other in forever. i foolishly choose to wear flip flops and just a hoodie because it started off warm, but then by the end i was so chilly!. Anywho i met her in the courtyard then we went over to DTE since Lympus had texted me telling me to come there. When i got there we chatted for a bit and he gave me tupperware to replace the ones that i had brought that got accidentally thrown out. they are pretty nice and hold lots!

then Sarah and i went back to the courtyard and chatted for quite sometime until it got too cold for us and we began a pursuit of a starbucks to sit in for a while but the three we went to were filled to the brim so after lots of walking we decided to split up so we could go get warm. I then headed to Path Mark to do some grocery shopping. I got a bunch of stuff and much needed ingredients for a baking endeavor.

i got home and did a TON of dishes then began the lengthy process of my night. i had started to feel slightly better so i made a real dinner with stuff i had bought (later to regret this) and then i baked brownies for myself because i had been wanting to for a while (also a mistake) and then i baked cookies to give to neil for his last show and did more dishes. it was a long endeavor but fun in the end.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha, this brings back fun memories.