Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 213/365 (March 19, 2009)

I went grocery shopping; I baked, and got ready to go out. After I dropped off some cookies I spent some time walking around times square pretending to be a tourist and even walked up the TKTS steps and then because I was just chilling by my lonesome I became like the official photographer for a bunch of people. Then I went to visit Sasha and Pip. I also discovered the popcorn store was no more :(

I spent lots of time there and it was nice and at one point Pip ran a marathon my face and stuck his paw in my mouth and then licked my face. This resulted in a very red/splotchy/itchy face. Sasha let me use her face wash and it stopped itching but took a little while for the redness to go away. Eventually I had to leave to meet Hope at starbucks and then we headed over to NWS/TOL to do some karaoke.

It was so crowded there because there are now three shows going on and it was lots of fun singing and I even got Hope into the action! Then we went home and went to sleep before she had to leave. I also left TOL with quite a feeling of OH NO, but luckily Sasha helped me feel better about that via a text conversation.

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