Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 210/365 (March 16, 2009)

It was so great to be home! I fell asleep about 5 am so I am unsure why I woke up about 10:30 on my own! However when I did Fred came over to me and nuzzled me for a bit, and then he left and Emma came up and took her place on me.

I finally got up did dishes, ate a little something, spoke with my mom on the phone, finished my blog, then began my tireless internet pursuit.

It has been not working unless I steal unreliable wifi from someone so after hours of fighting I was finally able to send a few emails and send off some more resumes. Now I am getting ready and going to NWS in the hopes of Jesse going on as something in Boyz since it is probable…. But I am only seeing it if he is on… which causes me some stress because I really was doing good about not seeing it and I can make it until April but it isn’t often he goes on so I will if he is.

Turns out he was on and I got like the second to the last ticket to the show! Somehow I managed to lose my ticket within 60 seconds of having it, but luckily I found it 5 minutes later, and the show was great! I was made extremely happy by running into Mr. Cookie outside NWS! It was nice to see how Jesse has made the role his own and he was super bubbly and bouncy.

After the show I of course needed to get a BC/EFA picture and MKC had come to watch the show after he got back from TX… I was so busted since it wasn’t April, but I mean Jesse was Mark!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love this picture.