Friday, March 20, 2009

Day 212/365 (March 18, 2009)

I woke up in such a cranky right foul mood! I was trying to finish cutting HSM audio but the world wouldn’t leave me alone… texts, twitters, phone calls, emails I couldn’t take it anymore! I tried shutting out the world and failed slightly, but that ended up being for the best!

I got a call from Krysta asking if I could do her a favor and while we were talking she asked if I had gotten the battery’s down filming email and I said no because I was tuning out the world… well she told me about it and I saw the time and by the time I got off the pone with her I had 50 minutes to shower and get to NWS. This means I had twenty minute to leave my apartment if I was going to be there on time. This is no small feat for me since I take 20 minutes just to shower usually, but somehow I made it and went on my way.

The filming for this episode was the most fun of the ones I have been to yet because we weren’t just audience people we got to pretend to be doing things… I was a stage manager with a headset that ended up giving me a headache from squeezing my poor head, but I didn’t care! When we were filming the backstage stuff I got creative, and had fun “acting” with one of the other people over where a prop went.

Then I went to help with hair lotto and deliver krysta’s clothes. They were filming something for the website and I decided that I should be interviewed since I am a camera whore so I asked them to and they did. Then I went to bed, bath, & beyond to meet Karolina for the bridal registry.

It was lots of fun and we got some good information, and Karolina made out like a bandit! I also proved my worth as maid of honor… woo~hoo! They had hors d’oeuvres for us and some yummy pomegranate martinis… I only had two (they were non-alcoholic though so don’t go there) but if I could have I would have had more, they were so great!

Then we parted ways and I went to pick up the kitty food from Sasha, then I went home. I finally finished cutting the HSM audio and edited all the info on itunes and sent it out to everyone… it felt good to get that off my list!

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