Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 243/365 (March 17, 2015)

I spent most of the day at work tortured by the never ending ST. Patrick's Day parade. Finally I made a break for it and headed down to Trader Joe's. I made my way home and began cooking my stuffed peppers and making a strawberry banana "ice Cream." While I was making the stuffed peppers Ben asked me if I wanted to see Finding Neverland so I figured why not?!?!

That sent me into overdrive because I had less than 75 minutes to finish making dinner, clean my mess, eat, and shower. I rocked it out thankfully.

Met up with him and at first we were in the back of the orchestra by the creative team. Between Diane P and the rude patrons around us it was really hard to concentrate on the show from all the noise. We asked to be moved during intermission and got brought up much closer to the front where it was much quieter and could hear the show. I wouldn't mind seeing it again after it has opened to see what changes were made but as it is right now I am not really into it. There are things happening that are pointless. The funniest line in the show is an inside joke about Kelsey Grammar and Cheers and not the actual story itself. They need to add a line about the fact that J.M. Barrie is Scottish because the story takes place in London Matthew's accent is Scottish while everyone else is British (save Kelsey's character who they establish as American) so it seems like Matthew is doing the wrong accent and it is embarrassing, but when I looked up the real life person I saw he was Scottish so that was okay but how many people are going to do that and it is unfair for people to think he is doing a bad job when he is actually doing a great job. They also had quite a few technical difficulties. We could tell things were supposed to be happening that weren't so I would like to see those. Finally there is one moment involving glitter and fans and a robe that is one of the most spectacular things I have ever seen on a stage. That alone won my heart over!

I also kept running into other people I knew which was always nice :)

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