Friday, March 27, 2015

Day 252/365 (March 26, 2015)

Spent the morning at work, then I forced myself to the gym and then off to Trader Joe's. Luckily there weren't too many people so it went swiftly. Of course the cashier was not listening to me about how to pack the bag so I just gave up and redid it myself as soon as I got to the window area. I also found cookie butter cheesecake squares that I couldn't wait to try. I got home put stuff away, tried the yummy cheesecake, then went out to Schmackary's. I know i visited "the enemy" but I just wanted more sugar and didn't want to have to bake it myself. The cookies are okay in a pinch but just not worth it overall... My moment of weakness in that department is over.

Eventually I met up with Andrey for hot cocoa at Bibble and Sip. I do enjoy that place but it wasn't exactly the happy catch up time I was envisioning because he was glued to his phone the whole time and since I have been feeling pretty sad lately that was sort of like a pushing point for me. I got home and ate more cheesecake and had butterscotch pudding and then felt sick from all the sugar... I usually do not hit sugar overload but I did today.

Watched some TV with the roomies before getting ready for bed. I slept with my "my teddy" bear because I am an adult and that is what you have to do sometimes... but I also had a conversation with myself to try and pull myself into a better place mentally speaking. I just don't feel like I have very much self worth right now and need to get a handle and control of my life again.

Here are Fred and Charlie being cute like.

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