Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 247/365 (March 21, 2015)

The day was crazy. I walked down to go to Trader Joe's but ended up waiting in line for the Big Brother Open Casting Call for season 17. Derrick (and Cody, and Frankie) were there. Derrick kept coming out and spending time with the crowd and he remembered me from the night before!

I made friends with the people in front of me (Sasha, Hiya, and Danielle, and also a girl named Kelsey). It was cold but we were determined. I had so much fun chatting with them. We spoke about random things and Big Brother things and I made a funny. Apparently in a town in FL it is illegal for more than 6 girls to live together because it is considered a brothel, so sororities can't have houses. So we were like what about more than 6 guys living together and I was like is that considered a BRO-thel? These people appreciated my humor haha! These other two guys also told a funny joke (if two vegetarians get into a fight does that mean they have beef or do they have to squash it?). I learned about a cinnamon toast crunch shot (RumChata and Fireball). When we finally got inside things went pretty quickly. They were definitely rushing us along to get done by 4, people inside earlier had to have have had WAY more time! We got put into a group of 7 and it ended up being the 4 of us and 3 other random people. They guy asked us a bunch of questions. He seemed to like the 4 of us but sadly none of us got a call back :( Anywho after it was over Sasha, Danielle, and myself went to a restaurant to eat and hang out some more. Such fun ladies. I know in things like this you don't usually end up seeing each other again... you are just friends for the day, but hopefully that isn't the case and we meet up again! Then I finally went to Trader Joe's! I also got to take a picture with my two favorite players from BB16 so that was neat! Derrick had us facetiming with the LA open call people at one point. (Seen above)

I got home and changed and got Karen to come with me to Jamie's Ladies night. Had some troubles getting there because of the MTA but it was nice to venture out somewhere. There was also lots of yummy sangria. Finally it was time to head home and crash!

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