Thursday, October 9, 2014

Day 83/365 (October 8, 2014)

I started the day off in a pretty cranky mood, but luckily while I was (again) rushing Pippin there were two people behind me in line that helped me become not so cranky. I then went to work for a bit and to the gym again. I came home and made brown butter for te first time, showered, and then got Charlie ready to take to the vet. I ended up getting there way too early because I was dreading a disaster getting him into the carrier by myself but I ended up doing it in a smart way that meant it took m ten minutes from getting Charlie in the thing to getting him to the vet on 26th St!

While walking home from the gym I passed good old Betsey Johnson which I still stomp on to this day from the scavenger hunt years ago, and the Nederlander was having a load in

Then I came home and ate some quick food before heading out to see Pippin. The show was enjoyable as usual, but two moments that stood out were when Barnum came out something was wrong with the fur on his head and it looked like he had a Mohawk... i snorted it was so cute/funny! Also during the scene after Glory when the war has ended as Ari was checking "the bodies" i saw her stab her sword down and say "just die" well I just about lost it, so funny... wonder if that happens every night or not?

Chatted with KDM post show for a bit then headed home, but before he came out I was off to the side leaning on a pole and there was a cop on a horse sort of close by. I was playing on my phone and felt something nibbling my arm... i turned and saw the horse nibbling my arm! The police officer was like ahh I'm so sorry as he pulled him away. I didn't mind, the horse was very cute and it was nice to be appreciated when I didn't have a bag of peaches with me, like that day at the farm!

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